Using the CWU Virtual Career Center

Getting Started

Log in with your CWU credentials or sign up for a guest account to get personalized information, post jobs and internships, publicize professional events, and more!

screenshot of the Career Services front page, with the log in, guest, and sign in buttons on the top right circled in red

From there, follow these next three steps:

Step 1: Log In with your CWU Credentials OR Sign Up and select a role (i.e. Student, Employer, Faculty, etc.)

Step 2: Select content categories that reflect you and your interests

Step 3: Set up alerts to control the frequency of updates on your selected categories

aaaaand you’re done! Welcome! 🎉🎉🎉

Basic Navigation

Priority Buttons

Located in the top right corner of the page. These highlight some of the most common uses for our website such as making appointments, checking events, and getting info on internships. If you need something, check here first!

Main Navigation Bar: Always present at the top of the webpage. Read below for more information about each menu!

Quick Navigation Buttons: Click on one of these to be taken to the corresponding section of your current page. These are useful for getting around quickly! Note: Not all pages have all of the buttons shown on the right, and some pages have no buttons.

Contact Info Block: This contains important information about how to reach us and is always at the end of any webpage on our site. Here you can find our hours, links to our staff, phone & email, socials, and more!

Where is ________?

Our site has a lot of information on it! If you need something specific, use the descriptive headings below to find what you’re looking for.

No matter who you are, there should be a landing page here for you! For example, click Students for student-applicable info, Employers if you’re wondering how to promote your positions on campus, and Faculty & Staff if you’re a campus employee looking to utilize us!

These pages have supplemental resources for groups that are marginalized or otherwise would benefit from additional, specific support in their job search and career. You may be surprised by the helpful info you find!

Under each heading is a separate page for various industries that our students might enter into. Each page contains its own feed of articles, resources, jobs, and internships!

Resources to help you build career-relevant skills is our department’s specialty. Many of these services are also available by appointment. Our career counselors almost always have helpful guidance to offer!

Click here to visit the Student Employment homepage where you can search for jobs on- and off-campus!