Career Services hosts a variety of career fairs and other events throughout the year, which will be featured on this page. For information on upcoming workshops, refer to our full calendar list.
If you’re an employer coming to recruit at a career fair, check out our Employer FAQs to get some common questions answered.

Education Career Fair
Thursday, March 13, 11am-2pm
SURC Ballroom, CWU Ellensburg
Please join us for CWU’s annual recruitment event for future educators! This fair is an opportunity for school districts and other organizations to meet with current students and alumni seeking positions in education.

Industry Day
Wednesday, April 16, 12-2pm
SURC Ballroom, CWU Ellensburg
Please join the College of Business, Department of Aviation, and Career Services for our annual Industry Day at the CWU-Ellensburg campus.
Industry Day is a recruitment event for ALL majors, with a special focus on College of Business; Aviation; Hospitality, Tourism, & Event Management; Wine Studies; and Apparel, Textiles, and Merchandising. Attendees will meet with recruiters to find out about career and internship opportunities. This event includes a networking breakfast, an employer panel, a career fair, and a networking lunch with keynote speaker. Free and open to all majors.

Spring Career, Internship, & Grad School Fair
Thursday, May 8, 10am-2pm
SURC Ballroom, CWU Ellensburg
The spring career fair is an all-majors, all-industries event for students and alumni to find part- and full-time jobs, internships, and graduate programs. This event is open to all.

Engineering Technologies, Safety, & Construction Fair
October 2, 2025
SURC Ballroom, CWU Ellensburg
This annual career event features employers hiring for jobs and internships, primarily for: Construction Management, Mechanical Engineering Technology, Electronics Engineering Technology, Industrial Engineering Technology, Safety and Health Management, Risk, Insurance and Safety Management, and Technology Education. This event is open to all.

Accounting Career Event
October 3, 2025
Wellington Event Center, CWU Ellensburg
ACE is an annual recruiting event to kick off the accounting department’s fall recruiting season. All CWU Accounting students are encouraged to attend, as this is an opportunity to network for jobs, internships, or just practice.

Fall Career, Internship, & Grad School Fair
October 2025, Date TBD
SURC Ballroom, CWU Ellensburg
The fall career fair is an all-majors, all-industries event for students and alumni to find part- and full-time jobs, internships, and graduate programs. This event is open to all.